Hostel for sale with all equipments,Hostel sotiladi
Shahar markazida qulay lokatsiyada aeroportdan 2,5 km, shimoliy va toshkent metrodan 1 km uzoqlikdaTayyor ishlab turgan biznes hostel sotiladi, 50 ta mestali hamma jihozlari bilan sotiladi, hostel business for sale, 50 beds, fully equipped.The hostel located in the center of city near international airport 2,5 km, railways station and tashkent metro 1km away. Telefon number + ********* telegram/whatsapp available
Местоположение на карте

Объекты рядом
- 280 000 $
- 121 м²
- 250 000 $
- 86 м²
- 280 000 $
- 166 м²
- 250 000 $
- 100 м²